Anyone who has already been to Japan, probably agrees with me, that Japan is the perfect combination of past and high-tech. Arata Isozaki, the famous Japanese architect is the next character of my series about star architects and their jewelleries. Just like the previously introduced architects, his jewelleries are mini-architectural models.
What are the similarities among a unique candle, architecture and jewellery making? It seems that there is nothing in common, they are completely different for the first sight. If you think that each form can be a way of self-expression and each material can give an extra meaning to the creation, then we will find ourselves in candle and jewellery shops in downtown Vienna in the 80s. These beautiful stores were designed by the famous Austrian architect Hans Hollein. Just like the other star architects from my blog series, Hollein also dreamt of a smaller scale than the stores: he designed jewelleries, watches and other objects as well.
It is not surprising that Frank Gehry’s fantastic buildings are visited by so many tourists and architects. During my architectural university studies I visited some of his buildings. These are really remarkable works. Now I am looking into another section of his career. I tried to find out how his architecture had inspired famous jeweller Tiffany & Co. and how the greatness of his work was displayed in a smaller scale.
By the 20th and 21st century we can recognise the forms of nature on our everyday objects. What is common in the work of architects became jewellery designers and the activity of artists using the forms of nature on the everyday objects? Our first reaction: there is nothing in common. But if you think it over, it is simple: their scales.
It is so exciting to recognise the parallel between architects jewelleries and buildings. As I used to work as an architect for several years and I switched to design jewelleries, I am interested in how other architects design jewellery with this scale difference. The jewelleries or the jewellery collections designed by famous architects are often similar to their buildings designed at the same time. Well, it works in both ways, you can recognise their style in their jewelleries too.
I search for these parallels in Star architects and their jewelleries series. Now I am starting with Zaha Hadid star architect.
My beloved Red Baroque ring was published in November 2016 issue of British Vogue magazine.
We are pleased to welcome you at our Jewellery Exhibition Opening Ceremony.
Exhibition Opening Ceremony: 4th November 2016. Friday, 7 pm
Open: 4-13. November
FUGA 1052 Budapest, Petőfi Sándor utca 5., Hungary
Night of Jewellery Art Budapest 2016
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